Drilling & Servicing Water Wells Since 1968


"When the well runs dry, we will know the worth of water" - Benjamin Franklin

It is our mission to partner with our customers and ensure that their water well design,  installation, maintenance and efficiency is best matched with their needs and planned usage for the system. 

01/14/2024 Freeze Protection -

The Houston area is facing the possibility of another freeze/freezing temperatures this week. Below are some instructions and pictures to help protect your system in these conditions.

With the cold weather coming, do not forget to insulate your water well systems and piping.

The piping between your well and your tank is especially important. There is also a small tube underneath your pressure switch that must be insulated and should not be left exposed to the elements. (See pictures below.) The setting tee on top of the well also needs to be thoroughly insulated. All Piping, metal fittings, pvc fittings, pvc pipe, water meters, etc. cannot be left exposed or partially exposed when insulating your system.

Use a waterproof tarp or cover over the entire system after insulating it. Introducing a heat source in the area is also a good idea, but be careful of any fire hazard that may be created with your heat source. After you have insulated your system, make sure you know where the breaker is to be able to turn off the system, if needed. See items below explaining why you need to know how to turn it off.

Now that everything is insulated, turn on some of your outside faucets with a stream coming out of them that is the size of a matchstick. Monitor these faucets to make sure they are still running and keeping water moving through the pipes. It is a good idea to monitor your system on a regular basis throughout freezing temperatures and through the night, if possible.

“I have no water! What should I do?” - In the event that your system does freeze, BE SURE TO TURN THE POWER/BREAKER OFF TO THE WELL FIRST BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO THAW OUT THE SYSTEM, PIPES, ETC. If you choose to not turn off the breaker to your system, you are at risk of losing the entire well due to heat damage down in the well from the motor not being able to pump and properly cool itself (Dead-heading the motor and pump). The timing on getting a new well drilled can take weeks and it could cost you $13,000-$16,000 (sometimes more depending on depth).

Thawing out your system - While the power is still off to the system, remove the tarp and all of your insulation on the piping between the well and the tank. Introduce a heat source to all of the piping and especially the sending tube under the pressure switch. When you believe that you have completely thawed out your system, turn your breaker back on. If the system does not work, TURN THE POWER/BREAKER BACK OFF and REPEAT. If you cannot successfully get your system working or think that there are more issues with the system than frozen pipes, do not hesitate to give us a call, but make sure that the power to the system remains off until we can come and assess the system.

All of these things may not protect you completely from freeze damage but if the breaker is turned off in time and you take all of the necessary precautions that you can, the likelihood of losing your system or having very expensive repairs may be minimized to broken pipes.

We expect high call volumes during freezes and we will have multiple team members answering all of the calls live that we can. If you try to give us a call and we are on the other line with another customer, please try to leave us a voicemail. You will receive a call back from us as quickly as we can work down the list.

Stay safe and warm!

Hildebrandt’s Water Wells




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